Intro to Linux chapter 1

  1. 3. number The number preceding the first dot in the number used to identify a Linux kernel version. It is used to denote a major change or modification.
  2. 4. Documentation Project (LDP) A large collection of Linux resources, information, and help files supplied free of charge and maintained by the Linux community.
  3. 5. service The additional functionality provided by a program that has been incorporated into and started as part of the operating system.
  4. 6. A version of UNIX developed by Hewlett-Packard.
  5. 10. engine An Internet Web site, such as, where you simply enter a phrase representing your search item and receive a list of Web sites that contain relevant material.
  6. 12. manager The software used to install, maintain, and remove other software programs by storing all relevant software information in a central software database on the computer.
  7. 16. A version of UNIX developed by Sun Microsystems from AT&T source code.
  8. 18. cost of ownership (TCO) The full sum of all accumulated costs, over and above the simple purchase price of utilizing a product. Includes training, maintenance, additional hardware, and downtime.
  9. 20. The programs stored on a storage device in a computer that provide a certain function when executed.
  10. 22. Information and Computing Service (MULTICS) A prototype time-sharing operating system that was developed in the late-1960s by AT&T Bell Laboratories.
  11. 25. number The number following the first dot in the number used to identify a Linux kernel version, denoting a minor modification. If odd, it is a version under development and not yet fully tested. See also developmental kernel and production kernel.
  12. 27. An Internet protocol service accessed via an application program called a newsreader. This service allows access to postings (e-mails in a central place accessible by all newsgroup users) normally organized along specific themes. Users with questions on specific topics can post messages, which can be answered by other users.
  13. 30. A person who uses a computer.
  14. 32. A type of operating system that has the capability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously.
  15. 33. number The number after the second dot in the version number of a Linux kernel, which identifies the certain release number of a kernel.
  16. 35. One of the most popular and prevalent distributions of Linux, originally developed in Europe.
  17. 37. platform A particular configuration and grouping of computer hardware, normally centered on and determined by processor type and architecture.
  18. 39. Source Software (OSS) The programs distributed and licensed so that the source code making up the program is freely available to anyone who wants to examine, utilize, or improve upon it.
  19. 40. A major Linux distribution that is widely used in North America.
  20. 42. code The sets of organized instructions on how to function and perform tasks that define or constitute a program.
  1. 1. User Agent (MUA) A program that allows e-mail to be read by a user.
  2. 2. server A server or hardware device that requests Internet resources on behalf of other computers.
  3. 3. Mini-UNIX created by Andrew Tannenbaum. Instructions on how to code the kernel for this version of the UNIX operating system were publicly available. Using this as a starting point, Linus Torvalds improved this version of UNIX for the Intel platform and created the first version of Linux.
  4. 5. A computer configured to allow other computers to connect to it from across a network.
  5. 7. The central, core program of the operating system. The shared commonality of the kernel is what defines Linux; the differing OSS applications that can interact with the common kernel are what differentiate Linux distributions.
  6. 8. A compressed archive of files containing scripts that install Linux software to the correct locations on a computer system.
  7. 9. Passing Interface (MPI) A system that is used on Beowulf clusters to pass information to several separate computers in a parallel fashion.
  8. 11. TO A task-specific instruction guide to performing any of a wide variety of tasks; freely available from the Linux Documentation Project at
  9. 13. The programs developed and provided at minimal cost to the end user. These programs are initially free but require payment after a period of time or a certain amount of usage.
  10. 14. A solution made by a closed source vendor that fixes a software bug.
  11. 15. Protocol (IP) address A unique string of numbers assigned to a computer to uniquely identify it on the Internet.
  12. 17. OS X A version of UNIX developed by Apple for use on Apple desktop computers and servers.
  13. 19. system (OS) The software used to control and directly interact with the computer hardware components.
  14. 21. A set of instructions that knows how to interact with the operating system and computer hardware to perform a specific task; stored as a file on some media (for example, a hard disk drive).
  15. 23. language The syntax used for developing a program. Different programming languages use different syntaxes.
  16. 24. Windows The core component of the GUI in Linux.
  17. 26. A computer used to connect to services on a server.
  18. 28. kernel A Linux kernel whose minor number (the number after the dot in the version number) is even and which is, therefore, deemed stable for use after widespread testing.
  19. 29. A program loaded into memory and running on the processor, performing a specific task.
  20. 31. A type of operating system that has the capability to provide access to multiple users simultaneously.
  21. 34. A mobile version of UNIX developed by Apple for use on iPhone, iPod, and iPad devices.
  22. 36. Torvalds A Finnish graduate student who coded and created the first version of Linux and subsequently distributed it under the GNU Public License.
  23. 38. A computer running routing software, or a special-function hardware device providing interconnection between networks; it contains information regarding the structure of the networks and sends information from one component network to another.
  24. 41. Hat One of the most popular and prevalent distributions of Linux in North America, distributed and supported by Red Hat Inc. Fedora is a Red Hat-based Linux distribution.
  25. 43. The first true multitasking, multiuser operating system, developed by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, from which Linux was originated.