Intro to Medical Terminology

  1. 1. hardening of the joint
  2. 5. surgical repair of the nose
  3. 7. excessive bleeding/blood flow
  4. 9. comes at the end of the term to provide meaning
  5. 10. suffix meaning discharge or flow
  6. 11. prefix meaning too slow
  7. 13. many or excessive amounts of urine
  8. 15. suffix meaning to puncture/withraw fluid from
  9. 17. medical term meaning blood pressure is low
  10. 20. abnormal softening of the heart
  11. 25. suffix meaning to cut into
  12. 26. to suture/stitch the nerves
  13. 27. one who studies/specializes in the urinary
  14. 29. prefix meaning good/well
  15. 31. surgical removal of the kidney
  16. 33. pertaining to the small intestine
  1. 2. form combination of a word root and vowel
  2. 3. comes at the beginning of the word to add meaning
  3. 4. the foundation for the medical term
  4. 6. narrowing of the blood vessels
  5. 7. prefix meaning excessive, over, too much
  6. 8. study of the stomach and small intestine
  7. 12. the process of viewing inside the joint
  8. 14. prefix meaning difficult
  9. 16. prefix meaning too fast
  10. 18. the instrument used to view the colon
  11. 19. inflammation of the skin
  12. 21. tumor of a gland
  13. 22. pertaining to between the ribs
  14. 23. the prefix meaning after
  15. 24. enlargement of the heart
  16. 28. suffix meaning surgical fixation
  17. 30. that which produces cancer
  18. 32. pain related to the nerves