Intro to Planets

  1. 5. the smallest planet
  2. 7. a natural satellite that orbits a planet
  3. 9. the planet that spins on its side
  4. 11. windiest planet in our solar system
  5. 13. The ______ planets are made of gas
  6. 14. also known as the "red planet"
  1. 1. the biggest planet in size
  2. 2. made up of a star and the planets that revolve around it
  3. 3. the hottest planet
  4. 4. A large body that orbits a star
  5. 6. The inner planets have _____ surfaces
  6. 8. The ______ planets are made of rock
  7. 10. the planet with the most rings
  8. 12. the only planet with life on it