Intro to STEM 6

  1. 1. the step after test and evaluate, where you fix your design
  2. 3. the process of applying science, math, and tech skills to solve large, open-ended problems
  3. 5. all materials will be accessible here
  4. 7. you will write your name to attend a mini lesson here
  5. 11. the step of the engineering design process where you plan out what you want to build
  6. 12. you will turn in papers here
  7. 14. you may use and then return worksheets here
  8. 15. you may borrow materials found here
  9. 17. due dates will be posted here
  1. 2. the step of the engineering design process where you share what worked and what didn't work
  2. 4. the first step of the engineering design process
  3. 6. the step of the engineering design process where you actually create your design
  4. 8. all of your papers will be filed here
  5. 9. science, technology, engineering, and math
  6. 10. you will find your name-less paper here
  7. 13. write your name here if you need assistance
  8. 16. daily tasks will be listed here