Intro Vocab - Visual Literacy

  1. 3. works of art that have no reference to natural objects; or depict objects in simplified distorted or exaggerated ways
  2. 10. the size relationship of parts to a whole
  3. 12. the size relation of one thing to another
  4. 16. refers to the message or meaning of a work of art
  5. 17. refers to size and shape and thus to scale and proportion
  6. 18. color groupings that provide distinct color harmonies
  7. 20. refers to a particular wavelength of spectral color to which we give a name
  8. 21. created deliberately by the artist by the use of visual elements and/or design to draw our attention to an area or areas
  9. 22. size that gives us a sense of increasing distance between shapes where objects appear smaller as they recede into space and is used to create implied depth
  10. 23. a type of perspective where two sets of parallel lines appear to converge at two points on the horizon line
  11. 26. ordering of visual elements to create form
  12. 27. the result of adding white to a hue
  13. 28. the space enclosed by mass
  14. 29. a.k.a. objective or figurative; art that depicts the appearance of things
  15. 31. refers to the expanse within the outline of a 2-D area or within the outer boundaries of a 3-D object
  16. 33. provides diversity and is the opposite or complement of unity
  17. 35. reversal a phenomenon that occurs when the ground shape (or negative shape) and the figure (or positive shape) is given equal emphasis
  18. 36. the place where land and sky appear to meet and is always at eye level
  19. 41. a.k.a tertiary hues; red-orange yellow-orange yellow-green blue-green blue-violet and red-violet; located between the primary and secondary hue on the color wheel.
  20. 44. indicates both the process of organizing visual elements and the product of that process
  21. 45. type of perspective where all major receding lines of the subject are actually parallel yet visually they appear to converge at a single vanishing point
  22. 48. refers to point of view; in the visual arts it refers to any means of representing 3-D objects in space on a 2-D surface
  23. 49. the blue-green side of the color wheel; refers to color temperature and appears to recede in relation to warm colors
  24. 51. type of balance where left and right sides are not the same; various elements are balanced according to their size and meaning around an implied center of gravity; also called informal balance
  25. 53. point the specific spot or figure to which emphasis is directed
  26. 54. orange, green, and violet hues; the mixture of two primary hues
  27. 55. form that does not openly interact with the space around it
  28. 59. the achievement of equilibrium in which acting influences are held in check by opposing forces
  29. 60. the flat picture surface
  30. 62. a.k.a. tone; refers to the relative lightness and darkness of surfaces
  1. 1. the appearance or condition of oneness
  2. 2. the juxtaposition of strongly dissimilar elements
  3. 4. refers to colors adjacent to one another on the color wheel.
  4. 5. shapes that tend to be precise and regular
  5. 6. is used by the artist to create neutral areas of lesser interest that keep the viewer from being distracted from the areas of emphasis
  6. 7. the indefinable general receptacle of all things – the seemingly empty space around us
  7. 8. refers to two hues directly opposite each other on the color wheel.
  8. 9. a point located on the horizon line where parallel lines appear to meet or converge
  9. 11. color scheme based on variations in the value and intensity of a single hue.
  10. 12. a type of balance; the near or exact matching of left and right sides of a 3-D form or a 2-D composition; also called formal balance
  11. 13. red yellow and blue hues; these cannot be produced by mixing other hues
  12. 14. refers to the total effect of the combined visual qualities within a work i.e. what we see
  13. 15. the symbolic meaning of signs subjects and images
  14. 19. the result of adding black to a hue
  15. 24. refers to the tactile qualities of surfaces or to the visual representation of those qualities
  16. 25. a.k.a. saturation; refers to the purity of a hue or color
  17. 30. a.k.a. nonobjective or non-figurative; presents visual forms with no specific references to anything outside themselves
  18. 32. a single fixed point/position from which the artist is looking while using linear perspective
  19. 34. created through the regular recurrence of elements with related variations; implies movement
  20. 37. describes shapes that are irregular; often curving or rounded and seem more relaxed and more informal
  21. 38. the extension of a point; indicates direction
  22. 39. a.k.a. aerial perspective; a nonlinear means for creating an illusion of depth; created by changing color value and detail
  23. 40. shape that resembles a living organism (related to organic shape)
  24. 42. a.k.a. positive shapes; are the dominant shapes on a picture plane
  25. 43. a branch of philosophy; refers to an awareness of beauty or a sense of elevated awareness
  26. 46. refers to forms that are organized in space
  27. 47. lines that suggest visual connections
  28. 50. brush strokes of thick paint
  29. 52. describes a type of placement or perspective where objects placed low on the picture plane appear to be closer to the viewer then objects placed high on the plane and is used to create implied depth
  30. 56. type of perspective; a method of creating the illusion of a 3-D object on a 2-D surface; based on the principle that objects appear smaller in at a distance and that parallel lines appear to converge as they recede
  31. 57. a.k.a. form; the physical bulk of a solid body of material
  32. 58. the red-orange side of the color wheel; refers to color temperature and appears to expand or advance in relation to cool colors.
  33. 61. form that reaches out and interacts with the surrounding space