Intro Words

  1. 2. A sign that stands for and object
  2. 6. Allows one computer to connect to another
  3. 9. Flash Drive a memory card that you stick into a USB port
  4. 11. Sheet A worksheet for financial plans
  5. 15. Card Object inside the computer that creates the images seen
  6. 16. A device that generates a digital representation of an image for a computer data input into a computer
  7. 17. contain file on your computer/ hard drive
  8. 18. Disk A device where you can store info from your computer
  9. 19. The style and size of your text
  10. 20. a type of memory storage measurement
  11. 22. To copy files of to a second media (disk, Flash drive)
  12. 24. A removable data storage
  13. 25. Contains the circuitry needed to interpret and execute program instructions
  14. 26. a disk that can hold a large amount of data
  15. 27. Anything that is typed into a computer
  16. 30. Messages exchanged by using computers to send text
  17. 32. To save information on your computer or on a drive from the internet
  18. 33. Software Used to prevent, find, and remove viruses
  19. 37. Wide Web Widely used info on the internet
  20. 38. all physical parts of a computer
  21. 39. To copy data from a temporary area to a more permanent device
  22. 40. A book you can read on an electronic device
  23. 42. What you look at when your on the computer
  24. 45. Spot A public area with an available internet access
  25. 46. Top row keys on the key board
  26. 47. a program that helps a computer communicate with other devices
  1. 1. Collection of data stored in one unit
  2. 3. A very small picture element
  3. 4. Phone A smartphone is a mobile phone that offers more advanced computing ability
  4. 5. site a page on the internet with info on a certain subject
  5. 7. Instructions used to perform a specific task with a computer
  6. 8. What you see is what you get
  7. 10. Folder the logo at the bottom left corner of every PC
  8. 11. To look for nothing in particular
  9. 12. an operating system produced by Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops and media centers.
  10. 13. A computer that can fit into the palm of your hand
  11. 14. The way something is arranged
  12. 21. Mail online mailing system
  13. 23. A thing that lets you read books, play games/ and get on the internet
  14. 28. Acceptable use policy
  15. 29. An area with internet access through radio waves
  16. 31. Controls the pointer on the screen
  17. 34. Electronic communication network
  18. 35. Any hardware device that stores data
  19. 36. Base A collection of similar data
  20. 41. Any problem with the operating system
  21. 43. Connecting two or more computers to enable the sharing of files and info between multiple systems
  22. 44. Button The button that turns on the computer