
  1. 5. can bust up compaction
  2. 6. worm burroughs can help increase this
  3. 9. one and done
  4. 12. come back every year
  5. 15. cover crops replacing mechanic tillage
  6. 16. in between cash crops
  1. 1. don't lose their leaves in the winter
  2. 2. the bin outside by the greenhouse
  3. 3. the process of taking N from the air
  4. 4. water moving through the soil
  5. 7. fast-growing fall cover crop
  6. 8. when water begins to freeze
  7. 10. neutral pH
  8. 11. takes N from the air
  9. 13. can rupture plant cells
  10. 14. leaving soil bare in the winter
  11. 17. what we planted outside before break