Introducing Interpersonal Communication

  1. 3. Accomplishing the three types of interpersonal goals when communicating
  2. 5. Set of moral principles
  3. 6. Set of beliefs,attitudes, values, and practices shared by a large group of people
  4. 8. The recipient(s) reaction
  5. 10. To formulate propositions
  6. 11. Dynamic form of communication with influential messages
  7. 12. Factors that impede messages from reaching their direction
  8. 13. The "package" of information that is transported during communication
  9. 15. Multidirectional model of communication
  10. 17. Inappropriately aggressive online messages
  11. 19. To formulate a question
  12. 20. One direction model communication
  1. 1. Communication involving one person
  2. 2. Series of messages
  3. 4. Person to whom the message is intended for
  4. 7. The degree to which your communication matches the expectations regarding how people should communicate
  5. 9. Pairs of people
  6. 14. Individual(s) who generate the information
  7. 16. Exchanges that have a negligible perceived impact
  8. 18. Tools for exchanging messages