Introducing Maya

  1. 4. Loves animals, she has 7 __ !
  2. 5. First country she'll visit post pandemic.(Hint: Sakura!)
  3. 6. She likes to kick back and read in her spare time. She is currently reading __ by Patrick Süskind.
  4. 7. She used to be a __ captain in her school back in the day.
  5. 8. Maya binge watches __.(Hint: Think adult cartoons)
  1. 1. Her favourite Will Smith movie.(Hint: This movie came out back in 2008!)
  2. 2. She absolutely hates __. She blacked out screaming riding one once.
  3. 3. She goes __ on a good weathered weekend.(Hint: Its an extreme sport.People leisurely do this on roads and pathways, but i do this in nature trails)
  4. 4. Maya's pick me up song is __ by The Cardigans.
  5. 6. She doesn't mind eating this everyday.(Hint: Carbs; people grow this vegetable during the world war to self sustain)