Introducing Political Geography

  1. 4. a government where power and leadership are usually passed down through heredity
  2. 10. example of dictatorship
  3. 11. agreements between governments that can dictate boundaries
  4. 12. treaty among several countries to support peaceful scientific research while also preserving the natural environment
  5. 13. example of a democracy
  6. 14. Competition for _____ can lead to conflict.
  7. 16. a government where one person has absolute power
  1. 1. includes territory, population, and authority
  2. 2. acronym of the alliance between the United States, Canada, and several European countries
  3. 3. a government where the people hold the power
  4. 5. Levels of government include _____, state, city, and town
  5. 6. can create cooperation
  6. 7. _____ features are geographic factors that influence boundaries.
  7. 8. organization that manages conflict between countries
  8. 9. example of a monarchy
  9. 12. nation that has claimed the most territory in Antarctica
  10. 15. agreement between the United States and Mexico signed in 1983
  11. 17. number of independent countries in the world (in hundreds)
  12. 18. Control of the _____ and Euphrates Rivers have caused conflict between Turkey, Iraq, and Syria.