Introducing today's Technologies (Part 3)

  1. 4. a leading maker of security software has mad a claim that its software blocked a given number of malware attacks
  2. 5. a what is an input device that converts printed material into a form the computer can process?
  3. 6. when you instruct a computer or mobile device to run an application, the computer or mobile devices what software, which means the application is copied from storage to memory
  4. 8. examples of what users are sales reps, real estate agents, insurance agents, meter readers, package delivery people, journalist, consultants, and students?
  5. 10. device any hardware component that allows you to enter data and instructions into a computer or mobile device?
  6. 12. how often should you change your password?
  7. 16. a what is similar to a password, consists of several words separated by spaces?
  8. 17. one type of system software is a what system, which is a set of programs that coordinates all the activities among computer hardware devi
  9. 19. a personal computer designed to be in a stationary location?
  10. 20. what types of users is the most likely to use computer-aided design software?
  1. 1. a what is a named collection of stored data, instructions, or information and can contain text, images, video, and audio?
  2. 2. what can you have a real-time typed conversation with another user
  3. 3. because technology changes, you must keep up with the changes to remain digitally
  4. 7. a what software consists of the programs that control or maintain the operations of the computer and is devices?
  5. 9. an internet-capable phone that usually also includes a calendar, an appointment book, an address book, a calculator, notepad, games and several other.
  6. 11. a thin, lightweight mobile computer with a touch screen?
  7. 13. a computer dedicated to providing one or more services to other computers or devices on a network?
  8. 14. printed content sometimes is referred to as a what?
  9. 15. a what is a motion you make on a touch screen with the tip of one or more fingers on your hand?
  10. 18. a series of related instructions, organized for a common purpose, that tells the computers what to perform and how to perform them?