Introduction to Chemistry

  1. 2. point example of a quantitative measurement
  2. 5. example of a quantitative measurement
  3. 6. recorded, measured, and analyzed
  4. 9. a possible, testable explanation
  5. 10. an organized method to help investigate a problem
  6. 13. biology, genetics, botany
  7. 15. geology, meteorology, astronomy
  8. 17. the study of structure and properties of matter, the changes it undergoes, the energy associated
  9. 20. measurements
  10. 21. chemistry is a branch of chemistry
  1. 1. example of a quantitative measurement
  2. 3. variable that is manipulated or changed; what's being tested
  3. 4. a statement predicting what will happen; usually mathematically
  4. 7. process of studying the natural world
  5. 8. example of a qualitative observation
  6. 11. example of a qualitative observation
  7. 12. an explanation based on hypothesis and observation
  8. 14. senses
  9. 16. variable that is observed and/or measured
  10. 18. example of a qualitative observation
  11. 19. application of science that makes it useful