- 1. or MB) is equal to 1,048,576 bytes
- 3. is a unit of storage capable of holding a single character
- 6. programs software tells the computer to perform a specific task
- 7. software which controls the way computers parts work together
- 9. computer(PC) a computer that is small enough to fit on a desk
- 10. an electronic device that can perform tasks and calculations based on the instructions it has been given
- 13. program a detailed set of computer instruction installed in the computer, tells the computer what to do
- 15. or KB is equal to 1,024 bytes
- 1. also call a server, is smaller than a mainframe and larger than a microcomputer
- 2. memory (ROM), is computer memory on which data
- 4. computers are less powerful and less expensive than the supercomputer
- 5. access memory (RAM) a form of computer memory that can be read and change in any order
- 8. of instructions per second) fastest super computers can handle well over a billion instructions per seconds
- 11. computer (also called notebook). which are portable
- 12. is the fastest type of computer
- 14. and GB) is equal to 1,073, 741,824 bytes