  1. 3. a type of jury, which is comprised of 23 citizens sworn to hear evidence against an accused individual and determine whether there is enough evidence to bring that individual to trial
  2. 5. a major reason for a request for a change of venue prior to the start of a trial
  3. 9. a situation where the offender is released early from prison
  4. 11. a type of sentence that may all be served at the same time, with the longest period controlling the time served by the individual
  5. 13. a type of jury that cannot agree on a specific verdict at the conclusion of a criminal trial
  6. 14. the crime must be reported and a complaint must be filed
  7. 15. the AMENDMENT that grants the individual the right to a trial by jury
  8. 17. during a criminal trial, which involves a plea of INSANITY, the BURDEN OF PROOF is placed on this individual
  9. 18. a type of jury that determines the facts, which provides a verdict at the conclusion of a criminal trial
  10. 19. a correctional facility where punishment for minor crimes are served
  11. 20. formal accusation made by the grand jury, at least twelve jurors agree to send the case to trial
  12. 22. the AMENDMENT that grants you the right to REMAIN SILENT and the right to attorney
  13. 23. the individual is fingerprinted and photographed
  1. 1. a situation where the offender returns to the community but under supervision
  2. 2. a correctional facility where punishment for serious crimes are served
  3. 4. the individual is brought before the judge, advised of charges, bail may be set
  4. 5. during a criminal trial, the BURDEN OF PROOF is placed on this individual
  5. 6. the traditional purpose in the exchange of money is ensure that the accused individual would appear in court or at trial
  6. 7. the AMENDMENT that protects you against unreasonable searches and seizure by law enforcement
  7. 8. the accused is brought before the judge to hear the indictment, plea entered (guilty/not guilty)
  8. 10. the individual is physically taken into custody, MIRANDA RIGHTS are read
  9. 12. a type of sentence where one sentence is served by the individual before the other sentence can start
  10. 16. jury selection, opening and closing statements by the PROSECUTION and the DEFENSE, verdict of jury
  11. 21. suppression of evidence, change of venue, plea bargain