Introduction to Customer Service

  1. 4. Human needs take as they are shaped by culture and individual personality.
  2. 8. Support by buying power and it is not possible that each human get the desire things in the world.
  3. 9. The contented customers are more likely to spend more money at your establishment.
  4. 10. Poor customer service will give restaurants, hotels and other tourism and hospitality businesses a bad _____.
  5. 12. Customer service is anything we do for customer that enhances the customer ____.
  6. 16. People and companies want to use their financial resources as efficiently as possible.
  7. 17. Saying “thank you”; informational newsletters, special discounts, courtesy, name recognition and others.
  1. 1. Showing customer that you care is one of the example of ____.
  2. 2. Basic requirements of human being such as food, cloths and shelter.
  3. 3. Customers want the products that they purchase to be durable and functional until customers decide to replace them.
  4. 5. ____ customers lead to increased compliance and improved information exchange.
  5. 6. Customers expect the ___ that they think is appropriate for the level of purchase that they are making.
  6. 7. Part of a hotel or restaurant's star ____ is customer service.
  7. 11. Good customer service leads to satisfied or delighted customers, which generates customer loyalty and thus increased ___.
  8. 13. If customers enjoy their visit they will tell their friends and family and your business can begin to boom.
  9. 14. Customers need ___ when a problem or question arises.
  10. 15. Customers who are treated with respect and feel important will return.