Introduction to Earth Science Review

  1. 7. a widely tested and widely accepted explanation for some aspect of the natural world
  2. 8. The zero line of Latitude
  3. 11. the crust, mantle and core
  4. 14. the zero line of longitude
  5. 15. the outermost layer of Earth
  6. 18. all of the water on Earth
  7. 19. the third step in the scientific method in which one tests their educated guess
  8. 20. study of the oceans
  9. 21. study of Earth's physical and historical make-up
  1. 1. the first step in the scientific method
  2. 2. an educated guess trying to explain why something is happening
  3. 3. the interior of Earth between the dense central region and the outermost layer
  4. 4. a measure of how far North or South a point is from the equator
  5. 5. all life on Earth
  6. 6. the envelop of gases that surround Earth
  7. 9. a measure of how far East or West a point is from the Prime Meridian
  8. 10. study of Earth's neighbors in space
  9. 12. the fourth step in the scientific method when the hypothesis is either supported or refuted by the data
  10. 13. many interacting parts that form a complex whole
  11. 16. the dense central region of Earth
  12. 17. study of weather