Introduction to Environmental Science

  1. 3. Conversion of NO2/NO3 into atmospheric N2
  2. 6. Conversion from a liquid to a solid
  3. 11. The study of how organisms interact with their community and environment
  4. 12. A testable explanation of a situation or phenomena
  5. 13. Conversion of NH3 into NO2/NO3
  6. 15. The use of resources in a manner that can continue at the same rate into the foreseeable future
  7. 19. Climate region that stretches from latitudes -23.5S to 23.5N
  8. 20. An activity designed to test the validity of a prediction or hypothesis. Involves manipulating variables and collecting data
  9. 21. An explanation of a natural phenomenon supported by many observations and experiments over time
  10. 23. All air content of the Earth
  11. 25. All geological content of the Earth
  12. 29. A carbon-containing fuel formed over millions of years from the remains of living organisms
  13. 31. A variable that depends on the conditions set in the experiment
  14. 32. A description of a relationship under certain conditions in nature
  15. 33. Use of only observational skills to collect data when the independent variable cannot be manipulated by the experimenters, typically due to ethical concerns
  16. 35. Conversion of atmospheric N2 into NH3
  17. 36. Information
  18. 38. A variable the scientist manipulates
  19. 39. Resources that are naturally formed much more slowly than they are used
  1. 1. Expression of the environmental effects of an individual population in terms of the total amount of land and water required
  2. 2. All living and nonliving things with which an organism interacts
  3. 4. Information expressed using numbers
  4. 5. Information expressed using words and letters
  5. 7. Conversion of CO2 into O2
  6. 8. Variables kept constant in an experiment
  7. 9. Conversion from a gas to a liquid
  8. 10. Resources that are naturally replenished over a short period of time
  9. 14. Climate region that stretches from latitudes -66.5S to -23.5S & 23.5N to 66.5N
  10. 16. All water content of the Earth
  11. 17. Specific statement about what we would expect to observe if a hypothesis is true
  12. 18. A process by which the procedures and results of an experiment are evaluated by other scientists who are in the same field.
  13. 22. Conversion from a liquid to a gas
  14. 24. Conversion of O2 into CO2
  15. 26. Use of models to generate predictive data when a phenomenon cannot be observed directly
  16. 27. The average weather conditions of an environment over the past 30 years
  17. 28. Evaporation of water from the leaves of plants
  18. 30. Resources found in nature that humans need to survive
  19. 34. All life on Earth and everything that supports it
  20. 37. Climate region that stretches from latitudes -90S to -66.5S & 66.5N to 90N