Introduction to Geometry Vocabulary

  1. 3. Points that lie on the same plane
  2. 6. All interior angles are congruent
  3. 9. An undefined term having two dimensions represented by a wall or floor like figure
  4. 10. A measure between 0 and 90
  5. 18. No line contains a side of the polygon contains a point in the interior of the polygon.
  6. 19. The point that divides a segment into two congruent segments
  7. 20. Consists of two different rays with the same endpoint.
  8. 22. Two angles whose noncommon sides are opposite rays
  9. 26. All sides are congruent
  10. 27. A point, ray, line, line segment, or plane that intersects the segment at its midpoint
  11. 28. The set of points that two figures have in common.
  12. 29. An endpoint of a side of a polygon or angle
  13. 30. A measure of 180
  14. 32. A measure of 90
  15. 33. The absolute value of the difference of the coordinates of A and B
  16. 34. Two angles whose sum is 90
  1. 1. Part of a line that consists of two points and all the points on the line between.
  2. 2. An undefined term represented by a dot which has no dimension
  3. 4. A rule that is accepted without proof
  4. 5. The rays of an angle
  5. 7. A ray that divides it into two equal parts
  6. 8. Angles with the same measure
  7. 11. Points that lie on the same line
  8. 12. A polygon with n- sides
  9. 13. An undefined term with one dimension and has an arrow on each end
  10. 14. Closed plane figure with the following features: 1)Formed by 3 or more line segments called sides 2)Each side intersects exactly two sides, one at each endpoint, so that no two with a common endpoint are collinear.
  11. 15. A rule that can be proved
  12. 16. Line segments that have the same length
  13. 17. Two angles whose sum is 180
  14. 18. A line that contains a side of the polygon also contains a point in the interior of the polygon.
  15. 21. A measure between 90 and 180
  16. 23. Two angles whose sides form two pairs of opposite rays
  17. 24. A point and all points that continue in one direction from that point.
  18. 25. Line segments that form the polygon
  19. 31. All sides and angles are congruent