Introduction to Health Review

  1. 3. a top ten leading cause of death in adults that is associated with smoking, a high fat diet, and uncontrolled high blood pressure.
  2. 4. Number three leading cause for death among teens
  3. 7. lifestyle factors associated with this cause of death include traumatic experience, untreated depression, stress, alcohol/drugs, and bullying
  4. 9. the aspect that deals with your feelings
  5. 10. the three leading causes of death among ______ can be prevented
  6. 15. aspect that deals with the body
  7. 16. behaviors that lead you closer to premature death
  8. 18. Being ill or disease
  9. 19. this cause of death includes motor vehicle collisions, falls, and drownings
  1. 1. lifestyle factors associated with this cause of death include STIs, sun exposure, smoking, drinking, and a poor diet
  2. 2. number one leading cause for death among adults
  3. 4. behaviors that lead you closer to optimal wellness
  4. 5. a line that represents your health at this moment in time
  5. 6. being dead
  6. 7. lifestyle factor associated with the three leading causes of death among adults
  7. 8. the state of total physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual wellbeing
  8. 11. aspect that deals with your values and beliefs
  9. 12. You must consider the whole person when determining their health and wellbeing
  10. 13. health is individual and always ____________
  11. 14. the number one cause of death in the unintentional injuries category
  12. 17. aspect that deals with your interactions with others