Introduction to Science #1

  1. 3. Step 4 of the Scientific Method
  2. 5. Step 5 of the Scientific Method
  3. 8. Final step of the Scientific Method
  4. 10. The variable that is being measured
  5. 12. Name of the class
  6. 17. Step 7 of the Scientific Method
  7. 18. What measurement would you use to measure a Football Field?
  8. 19. The variable that is being changed
  9. 20. A tablet that helps with Stomach Related Issues
  10. 21. What measurement would you use to measure an Elephant?
  11. 22. What measurement would you use to measure a Pencil?
  12. 23. Used to measure and hold liquids
  1. 1. Used to view very, very small objects
  2. 2. Your amazing science teacher
  3. 4. Step 1 of the Scientific Method
  4. 6. A type of data that you can describe using your senses
  5. 7. Step 3 of the Scientific Method
  6. 9. Used to suck in and transfer liquids
  7. 11. What you do every day you walk into Class
  8. 13. What measurement would you use to measure a persons weight?
  9. 14. A type of data you can describe using numbers
  10. 15. What measurement would you use to measure a Car?
  11. 16. The variable that stays the same or the constant