Introduction to Science

  1. 1. The application of scientific knowledge.
  2. 7. Used for mixing, heating and containing liquids.
  3. 8. Symbol on substances that gives out radiation
  4. 9. Its how we think when analyzing/interpreting data
  5. 13. SI unit of weight.
  6. 15. Information produced from science.
  7. 17. Quantity that can be measured.
  8. 20. Making initial conclusion from observation.
  1. 2. Smart or educated guess.
  2. 3. SI unit of mass.
  3. 4. SI unit of electric current.
  4. 5. Symbol on substances that catches fire easily.
  5. 6. An animal doctor.
  6. 10. Use of five senses to gather information.
  7. 11. The study of life.
  8. 12. The amount of space occupied by 3D objects.
  9. 14. Used for mixing small amount of chemicals.
  10. 16. Systematic study of nature and how it affects us.
  11. 18. The extent of a surface or a plane figure.
  12. 19. The distance between two points.