Introduction to Science and Technology

  1. 2. Study of science leads to....................or development of technology
  2. 6. We study science to gain scientific.......
  3. 9. Substance emits radiation
  4. 12. Colour of non luminous flame
  5. 14. To study and practice science, must have the correct.....................
  6. 15. To study and practice science, must have the correct.....................
  7. 17. Substance will eat away other substances
  8. 18. To study and practice science, must have the correct.....................
  1. 1. Colour of luminous flame
  2. 3. Substance react violently when heated or struck
  3. 4. 1 of the 6 main steps of correct methods and processes
  4. 5. For containing and mixing chemical
  5. 7. Substance catches fire easily
  6. 8. Poisonous substance of biological nature
  7. 10. Application of scientific knowledge
  8. 11. Non-luminous flame, the temperature of the flame is the...................
  9. 13. Luminous flame,the temperature of the flame is the.............
  10. 16. For containing small amount of chemicals