Introduction To Treatment

  1. 3. The most important power we have
  2. 4. We are not even thinking about changing
  3. 6. direction, Works on changing the thinking and behaviors behind criminal behavior and our addiction
  4. 11. thinking patterns, Feature denial as an excuse to use alcohol or other drugs despite the harm it causes
  5. 12. We are ready to change and we need a plan
  6. 15. beliefs, Are the basic assumptions we have made about ourselves, other people, and the world
  7. 17. We are returning to criminal or addictive thinking and/or behaviors and possibly criminal activity or using substances
  8. 20. distortions, Are inaccurate, slanted, or one-sided ways of looking at ourselves, other people and the world
  1. 1. strategy, When we try to confuse people or direct their attention away from us, off the real issues
  2. 2. An opportunity to own up to your own thoughts when you challenge the thoughts of others
  3. 5. We are thinking about changing
  4. 7. Refusing to admit or acknowledge something that may seem obvious to others
  5. 8. We are keeping the change going and avoiding relapse
  6. 9. treatment, Helps people struggling with out-of-control substance use of alcohol and other drugs
  7. 10. We are taking steps to change
  8. 13. The act of telling others about yourself when you are honest about where you’ve been, what you’ve done, and what you like and dislike
  9. 14. community, A group of people who live together in a supportive environment sharing a common interest of recovery
  10. 16. A statement that is accepted to be true without proof or evidence
  11. 18. patterns, The same thoughts we have over and over
  12. 19. thinking patterns, Allow us to indulge in thoughts of crime and then suddenly act on these thoughts