Invention Convention

  1. 3. Fredrick Banting : discovered treatment for diabetes from test on dogs
  2. 5. Rogers : started world’s largest radio station
  3. 7. : countered cold climates
  4. 8. A Linberg : gathered hearts and interest of north Americans
  5. 10. : Saved many lives in diabetes treatment
  6. 13. : made to bring Canadians closer and unite countries
  7. 15. Graham Bell : who invented the telephone?
  8. 16. long distances : What did cars allow Canadians to do?
  9. 17. T : Cost 395 dollars in 1920s
  10. 19. Ford : Who invented automobile?
  1. 1. Marconi : Who invented the radio?
  2. 2. : Helps to travel long distances
  3. 4. : Helped to deliver information to fellow Canadians
  4. 5. : Aids long distance communication
  5. 6. Bombardier : Invented snowmobile
  6. 9. Hewitt : Famous for radio hockey show and then for TV show Hockey Night in Canada
  7. 11. Thompson : First to receive medical treatment
  8. 12. line : Made cars cheaper
  9. 14. long-distances : What did telephone help to do?
  10. 18. Slicer : What did Otto Frederick Rowedder invented?