  1. 2. Who invented first commercially available cell phone?
  2. 3. What country was the wheel invented in?
  3. 5. What was introduced in 1990 to the public by Sir Tim Berners-Lee
  4. 6. Who invented the hard drive?
  5. 9. What did DuPont's Stephanie Kwolek and Herbert Blades invent?
  6. 10. What country invented the pocket calculator?
  7. 11. Who invented the ball screw?
  8. 13. What invented Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1709?
  9. 15. Who invented the battery?
  1. 1. Who invented the telephone?
  2. 4. What country was Skype invented in?
  3. 7. What invented Bartoloneo Critofori in 1709?
  4. 8. Who invented the first gasoline car?
  5. 10. Who invented the steam engine?
  6. 12. WHo invented the first atrificial refrigeration machine
  7. 14. First tanks name?