
  1. 3. Steel Made by Kotaro Honda
  2. 6. Holds food cold made by Einstein
  3. 10. In 1926, Robert Goddard invented it
  4. 11. Made by AMERICA in 18. centuary
  5. 12. Thing to fly invented by Leonardo da Vinci
  6. 15. Isaac Newton invented it
  7. 16. Made by Einstein
  1. 1. cart invented by leonardo
  2. 2. Gun made by DA VINCI
  3. 4. Screw that flyes
  4. 5. Suit for diving
  5. 7. Vehicle made by Da Vinci
  6. 8. Nikola Tesla made it
  7. 9. Car that was used by germans in WW2 use "-" to connect words
  8. 13. Used by everyone nowadays
  9. 14. Leonardo da VinciĀ“s invention is being still used