
  1. 3. has been indispensible in allowing us to write down and share our ideas.
  2. 7. an explosive chemical invented in China, used a lot in military.
  3. 10. trousers for toddlers that hold the dirty stuff :)
  4. 11. one of the earliest navigation devices.
  5. 12. a way of transport fueled by petrol.
  6. 13. a circular invention that has helped the world.
  7. 14. a thing girls put in their faces to look prettier
  1. 1. made by Mark Zuckerberg
  2. 2. things that make you see better.
  3. 4. a wireless technology standard used for exchanging data.
  4. 5. helps to maintain your oral hygiene.
  5. 6. a place where you sleep.
  6. 8. an invention that you can capture moments with in the form a picture.
  7. 9. small wooden sticks with sulfur that makes fire.
  8. 12. a thing you can hang on the wall that tells time.