
  1. 4. this invention allows you to put nails in the wall
  2. 5. sadly, we kill trees for this invention
  3. 7. Benjamin Franklin invented this
  4. 10. I warm my food up with this when i'm too lazy to cook
  5. 11. I listen to music on this device in the car when my phone isn't working
  6. 12. new york city is known for this transportation
  7. 14. this device lets you keep memories as pictures
  8. 15. this invention cuts my grass
  1. 1. this invention was created to make writing letters easier
  2. 2. this invention warms the house inside when wood and matches are placed inside
  3. 3. This device is used to contact friends and family
  4. 6. This device has netflix and hulu playing on it
  5. 8. I use this invention to get to places when i don't want to take public transportation
  6. 9. you can search the internet on this device
  7. 13. This invention floats on water and is used as transportation