
  1. 2. created by Cyrus McCormick
  2. 6. A result of Eli Whitney's interchangeable parts
  3. 7. sent electrical signals across wire.
  4. 9. made by Donald Mckay it was a fast agile ship that brought people and goods back quicker across the ocean
  5. 11. Created by Samuel Slater these mills instead of being horse powered they where water powered
  6. 12. carried people from one place to another on land quickly for its time. created by George Stephenson
  7. 13. creator of the Sewing machine
  8. 14. instead of hand producing stuff this machine made sewing much easier
  9. 15. instead of hand producing stuff they could mass produce items with pre built parts
  1. 1. creator of the Spinning Jenny
  2. 3. Created to make cotton faster
  3. 4. created by John Deer and it made it easier to plow the soil in the west
  4. 5. created by Henry Bessemer
  5. 8. a machine that enables an individual to produce multiple spools of threads simultaneously
  6. 10. Boat that uses steam created by Robert Fulton