
  1. 3. eli whitney invented this to help the southern plantations
  2. 4. it weaved cloth
  3. 5. this was invented for communication
  4. 9. this place is where alot of things were produced
  5. 10. the chinese were apart of building this
  6. 11. alot of slaves worked here with the cotton gin
  7. 12. this machine made steel for the railroads
  8. 13. it threaded and made shirts and other clothing
  9. 14. this helped the farmers with wheat
  1. 1. they were used to essemble muskets
  2. 2. these people came from their country and worked in factories and farms
  3. 6. evolved first in america then to british
  4. 7. ohio and missouri rivers gaver farmers and merchants cheap goods
  5. 8. kept the factories going
  6. 13. it ploweed all the bad soiles and weeds in farms