
  1. 6. A light source, typically made of glass
  2. 9. A device used for measuring the position and angle of some other gadget
  3. 10. The chemical element used in nuclear power plants
  4. 11. The most known invention of Wright brothers
  1. 1. A discovery that Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison changed the world with
  2. 2. An alloy of iron and carbon
  3. 3. Complex organic cover that is used to make frying pans
  4. 4. One of the most important inventions that powered the Internet as we know it now
  5. 5. It was used by Watt Power Machines
  6. 7. one of the most important ancient inventions that allowed to make the first types of transport
  7. 8. A type of oven that uses electricity to heat food