  1. 2. a device you can use to phone someone.
  2. 4. a system designed to detect intrusion such as unauthorized entry.
  3. 5. a platform or compartment housed in a shaft for raising and lowering people or things to different levels.
  4. 6. a refrigerator that keeps food frozen, usually ice creams.
  5. 8. related web pages located under a single domain name on the internet.
  6. 11. a system that maintains a cool atmosphere in warm conditions.
  7. 12. a powered machine used to create a flow of air.
  8. 13. a refrigerator that maintains food cold.
  9. 14. a panel designed to absorb the sun's rays as a source of energy for generating electricity or heating.
  1. 1. a system for warming a building by heating water or air in one place and circulating it through pipes and radiators or vents.
  2. 3. a machine for washing clothes, bed linen, etc.
  3. 7. a device that controls the TV from a distance.
  4. 9. an automatic device that serves to call attention.
  5. 10. a machine for washing dishes automatically.
  6. 14. Surface of a television, a computer, etc., on which the image is formed.