Inventions and Kid Inventions

  1. 3. a usually smaller version of an object made to look like the real thing
  2. 5. a person who creates, designs, or builds something that did not exist before
  3. 9. to show how something works
  4. 11. an expert on history
  5. 13. to roll on the ground, sometimes by accident; to roll while doing gymnastics or acrobatics
  6. 14. something that is manufactured or produced, usually for sale
  7. 17. a machine with moving parts that uses power to create motion; a motor
  1. 1. to create, design, or build something that did not exist before
  2. 2. a series of actions that may be natural or that are designed as steps to a goal
  3. 4. to bring different ideas or groups of people together
  4. 6. a document granting the right to make money from an invention
  5. 7. a new device or process
  6. 8. a form of something that is different from other forms of the same thing
  7. 10. a scent that is only smelled faintly or quickly
  8. 12. a person who performs tumbling or other physical tricks, sometimes on a trapeze or a tightrope
  9. 15. a plan that shows how to build, make, or assemble something
  10. 16. a closed path along which an electric current travels