
  1. 4. / Was invented in 1895 by Aleksandr Stepánovich Popov
  2. 7. / It's used for taking photographs and digital videos
  3. 9. / It's used for researching information
  4. 10. / It's used for listening music and is a portable device
  5. 11. / It's used for Going to other place. It's a transportation vehicle
  6. 12. / It's used for saving data and information
  7. 13. / It's used for receiving telephone calls
  8. 15. / It's used to explore unknown places
  9. 17. / Was invented in 1925 by John Logie Baird
  10. 18. / It's used for playing video games and enjoying
  11. 20. / Was invented in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson
  1. 1. / Was invented in 1946 by Dr. Percy Spencer
  2. 2. / Was invented in 2010 by Steve Jobs
  3. 3. / It's used to give light on the dark spaces
  4. 5. / Was invented in 1836 by Samuel Morse
  5. 6. / Was invented in 1868 by Patek Philippe
  6. 8. / Was invented in 1956 by Robert Adler and Eugene Polley
  7. 14. / Was invented in 1938 by László József Bíró
  8. 16. / Was invented in 1977 by Xerox Palo Alto
  9. 19. / It's used for surfing internet, to play, to type text, to open web pages