Invert Zoo ch2; classification

  1. 2. a group of species that evolved from a single ancestor
  2. 5. the branching point on a cladogram
  3. 7. a group of organisms that includes the most recent common ancestor and all its members
  4. 8. the splitting of a single lineage into two or more
  5. 9. a technique for evaluating the reliability of a branch of a phylogenetic tree by resampling some number of characters from the original data set at random
  6. 10. the direction of evolutionary change
  7. 12. grouping containing species that descended from two or more ancestors
  8. 13. the independent development of similar characteristics
  9. 16. the pictorial representation of branching lineages
  10. 18. one should always accept the least complex scenario
  11. 19. derived character possessed by only one descendent
  1. 1. change occurring within a lineage
  2. 3. any ancestral or primitive character
  3. 4. refers to characters often coded for by the same genes
  4. 6. a group of species sharing an immediate ancestor but not including all descendants
  5. 11. any derived or specialized character
  6. 14. a group of taxa outside the group of study
  7. 15. any named group of organisms
  8. 17. a derived character that is shared by the most recent common ancestor