Invert Zoology

  1. 3. the study of the evolutionary history of a species
  2. 5. a taxon that consists of all of the descendants of a common ancestor
  3. 10. a trait that was present in the ancestor of a group (aka ancestral)
  4. 11. any group of species that we designate
  5. 13. animals that neither possess nor develops a vertebral column, derived from the notochord
  6. 14. the study of the form and structure of living things
  7. 16. the branch of biology that investigates relationships among species to understand the history of life
  8. 17. derived traits that are shared among a group and used as evidence of common ancestry
  9. 19. group known to be phylogenically outside of the interest group
  1. 1. the branch of BIOLOGY the reconstructs the evolutionary history of species
  2. 2. where one species diverges into two on a phylogenetic tree (a branching point)
  3. 4. non-motile
  4. 6. a trait found in descendants that different from the ancestral (aka derived)
  5. 7. group of primary interest
  6. 8. a principle that suggests the simplest explanation of observed data is the preferred explanation
  7. 9. the study of prehistoric life based on fossils
  8. 12. features shared by two or more species that inherited it from a common ancestor
  9. 15. evolution type that suggests that independently evolved traits subjected to similar selective pressures may become superficially similar
  10. 18. the field devoted to the classification of organisms