Invert Zoolology

  1. 2. The simplest explanation of observed data is the preferred explanation
  2. 5. Derived character
  3. 7. Used to designate closest relative
  4. 10. Any group of species that we designate
  5. 12. Animal that neither possess nor develop a vertebral column, derived from the notochord
  6. 14. Derived character unique to a single taxon
  7. 15. A trait found in a descendent that differs from the ancestral trait
  1. 1. Shared ancestral character
  2. 3. Derived traits that are shared among a group and are viewed as evidence of the common ancestry of the group
  3. 4. The field devoted to the classification of organisms
  4. 6. A taxon that consists of all the descendants of a common ancestor.
  5. 8. The branch of biology that investigates relationships among species to
  6. 9. A trait that was present in the ancestor of a group
  7. 11. The study of the evolutionary history of species
  8. 13. the history of life