
  1. 7. Insects have _______ eyes.
  2. 8. I have a bag-shaped body and I live in water.
  3. 9. Our ocean reefs are made of this invertebrate.
  4. 11. This invertebrate group is broken down into 4 smaller groups.
  5. 13. Animals in this group have bodies which are divided into five parts.
  6. 16. I am a crustacean with large pinchers
  7. 17. egg Sometimes eaten in Barbados. I have a body divided into 5.
  8. 18. Some invertebrates have _______ to help them breathe.
  1. 1. I am sometimes mistake for an insect.
  2. 2. Insect bodies are divided into the head, abdomen and _________.
  3. 3. I can cause humans to become very sick if I am in their gut.
  4. 4. arachnids have _______ pairs of legs
  5. 5. An example of a myriapod.
  6. 6. This describes animals living in water.
  7. 10. I have a soft, moist body with or without a shell.
  8. 11. I am an insect without wings.
  9. 12. I have _____ pairs of legs with a pair of antennae and sometimes a pair of wings.
  10. 14. I am a segmented worm and I live in the soil.
  11. 15. I am a member of the mollusc group.