InvertZoo Corssword

  1. 5. study of evolutionary history
  2. 7. Occam's razor
  3. 8. any group of species
  4. 10. reconstructs evolutionary history of species
  5. 12. group of primary interest
  6. 13. shared ancestral character
  7. 14. consistent node and branch arrangements
  8. 15. derived character
  9. 17. helps determine if trait if derived or ancestral
  10. 18. consists of all descendants of common ancestor
  11. 19. does not include common ancestor
  1. 1. all descendants and common ancestor
  2. 2. devoted to classification of organisms
  3. 3. character
  4. 4. derived trait shared among group
  5. 6. branch point
  6. 7. does not include all descendants
  7. 9. features shared by two or more species, inherited from common ancestor
  8. 11. investigates relationships among species
  9. 16. independently evolved traits with similar selection pressures