
  1. 1. - Litterati is...?
  2. 4. - dead opposite
  3. 5. - the man who talked about the litterate app.(creator)
  4. 6. - is a legal entity representing an associaton.
  5. 7. - the world is treatened by global..?
  6. 8. -the trash is placed in different containers
  7. 10. - the corona..?
  8. 11. - a black drink with caps and bottles often scattered on the wild
  9. 12. - authority where various topics are discussed.
  10. 14. - ...nature (nature, especially when considered as a force that controls the weather and all living things.
  1. 1. - society is inhabited by both people and........
  2. 2. - a page where people talk about different topics.
  3. 3. - to not get sick must?..(biological preparation that provides active)
  4. 9. - people resist, amputate, fight.
  5. 11. - the main thing take pictures to capture trash.
  6. 13. - the third planet in the solar system.