IPCOM Crossword

  1. 3. Kiesewetter launched a promotion in May, name the brand.
  2. 5. What was the first mountain pass that IDT had to overcome in order to successfully deliver an order to Obergurgl? (tip: visit the IDT Linkedin page)
  3. 6. Which Profisol 'kontor' is open 8 am to 5 pm
  4. 7. ATIS International used a certain type of Sonodamp panels for a project in Spain, the Sonodamp .... tip: Linkedin
  5. 8. The place where the largest ever pipe support for a high temperature process in Ireland was custom made
  1. 1. Which famous, UNESCO protected castle can be found near the production site of Akustikplus?
  2. 2. The party boat with 4 levels and place for 600 people, a project DMS helped to build.
  3. 4. The company who installed insulation in the Ghelamco football stadium (tip: ffwd.ipcom.be)