iPhone Mineral Hunt - Scrimsher

  1. 3. on a mobile device glass screen
  2. 5. silver color
  3. 6. thermal conductivity
  4. 10. helps with vibration unit
  5. 11. naturally occurring
  6. 12. produces greyish-green color
  7. 14. conducts electricity
  8. 15. in lithium-ion batteries
  9. 16. regulates voltage
  10. 18. acts a heat sink
  11. 22. used in screen's conductive coating
  12. 23. produce magnets in a mobile device
  13. 24. source mineral of copper
  14. 25. the basis of integrated circuits
  15. 26. produces red color
  16. 28. produces purple color
  17. 29. helps with glass polishing
  1. 1. assists with phone circuitry
  2. 2. produces light blue color
  3. 4. primary source of gallium
  4. 7. sourced more than 100 different minerals
  5. 8. strengths glass
  6. 9. produces green color
  7. 13. primary source of tin
  8. 17. used in radio frequency
  9. 19. high performance- to-weight ratio
  10. 20. primary source of silver
  11. 21. produces burgundy color
  12. 27. provides liquid crystal displays on mobile device