IQ 300 Puzzle - Get to know your ASSNDEECEE Jayven

  1. 2. Instrument i play
  2. 5. What is my other name
  3. 8. Most fun SNDC
  4. 9. Girlfriend Name
  5. 11. From a scale of one to hundred rate my looks
  6. 13. Favourite Food
  7. 15. Dog's name
  8. 17. Favourite sport
  1. 1. How would you describe me?
  2. 3. Who is on my wallpaper?
  3. 4. How many CCAs I have last Year?
  4. 6. Favourite Bubble Tea
  5. 7. Who is my Sheares girlfriend
  6. 10. Favourite Bubble Tea Store
  7. 12. Favourite book
  8. 14. My neighbour's favourite song
  9. 16. Favourite KPOP Idol