iritability & movement

  1. 1. A major risk factor for developing diabetes
  2. 3. The type of lens used to correct long-sightedness
  3. 5. The sheath that insulates the axons
  4. 8. A symptom of diabetes
  5. 9. The organ that has both endocrine & exocrine functions
  6. 11. Part of brain that interprets sensory information
  7. 13. The hormone secreted in response to low blood glucose
  8. 15. The function that the cranium principally performs
  9. 16. Long thin extensions of the cytoplasm between cells
  1. 2. This fluid reduces friction in a joint
  2. 4. The gap between neurones for chemical transmission
  3. 6. Type of neurone that carries impulses to effectors
  4. 7. Vascular layer of the eye that absorbs light rays
  5. 10. The cell that secretes the insulation around axons
  6. 12. Join bone to bone to make joints
  7. 14. Area on the retina with high concentration of cones