Irregular verbs 2

  1. 5. Yesterday I __ with my best friend.
  2. 7. He feels good because he __ well last night.
  3. 8. Everyone __ the teacher's explanations.
  4. 9. The guests __ in front of the King as a sign of respect.
  5. 11. She __ the competition and was very sad.
  1. 1. I __ a gift for my mother.
  2. 2. During the holiday I __ a horse. It was fun!
  3. 3. The instructor __ me how to proceed and I succeeded!!
  4. 4. I __ my vocabulary words.
  5. 5. My mother __ some paper to the fridge door.
  6. 6. Last winter the cold __ the pond (étang).
  7. 7. Last summer the children __ in the lake.
  8. 10. He __ school 2 years ago and went for an apprenticeship.