Irregular verbs

  1. 2. full verb of drove
  2. 4. full verb of sat
  3. 6. past simple of know
  4. 8. full verb of fell
  5. 10. past simple of run
  6. 11. past simple of eat
  7. 12. past simple of sing
  8. 13. past simple of feel
  9. 14. full verb of cut
  10. 16. past simple of try
  11. 17. full verb of chose
  1. 1. full verb of began
  2. 3. past simple of buy
  3. 5. full verb of took
  4. 6. past simple of keep
  5. 7. full verb of wrote
  6. 9. past simple of lose
  7. 13. past simple of fly
  8. 14. full verb of cust
  9. 15. full verb of went