Irregular verbs

  1. 1. The Titanic _________ in the year 1912.(SINK)
  2. 4. I am sad because all my friends ________ about my birthday. (FORGET)
  3. 5. I ________ an entire bottle of Coca-Cola and now I feel sick. (DRINK)
  4. 8. Yesterday, I _________ french fries - my favourite food! (EAT)
  5. 9. The bill was ________ with a credit card. (PAY)
  6. 10. Ben _________ downstairs and hurt his arm. (FALL)
  7. 14. The children _________ cross-legged to listen to the story. (SIT)
  8. 16. You went home and _________ me here all alone! I was so scared...
  9. 18. When Marie __________ up, had already left for the game. (WAKE)
  10. 19. My mother __________ me how to cook. (TEACH)
  11. 20. Sally and John __________ at school. Now, they are best friends. (MEET)
  12. 21. This dress ______ 80 EUR. (COST)
  13. 22. I wish I __________ you when were younger. (know)
  1. 1. Max __________ so softly we barely heard him.
  2. 2. Julia ________ her foot playing football. (BRAKE)
  3. 3. When I was in school, I always ________ all of my homework. (DO)
  4. 6. That book is really interesting! We __________ it for school last year.
  5. 7. Carlos __________ to Canada to see me.
  6. 11. Anna __________ her house keys and now she can't get in. (LOSE)
  7. 12. We forgot our jackets at the party because we ______ in a hurry. (BE)
  8. 13. I no longer trust the GPS. It _______ throught a lot of creepy streets. (SEND)
  9. 15. I ran downstairs because I __________ the housephone was ringing. (THINK)
  10. 17. My sister _________ me a new book for my birthday. (GIVE)
  11. 20. The cat crossing the street _________ me stop the car. (MAKE)