Irregular Verbs

  1. 2. The experience had ___ her, but she emerged stronger than before. III
  2. 7. The painting, carefully framed, was proudly ___ on the living room wall. III
  3. 9. The teacher ___ the use of electronic devices during the exam. II
  4. 10. Despite the mistake, the teacher kindly ___ the student for the error. II
  5. 11. As darkness fell, he ___ the lantern to illuminate the path ahead. II
  6. 12. My sister accidentally ___ into a hot chili and quickly regretted it. II
  7. 13. With determination, she ____ the entire room until it was spotless. II
  8. 15. The hiker had unknowingly ___ a thorn in his shoe during the trail. III
  9. 16. I had generously ___ my friend my favorite book, hoping they would enjoy it. III
  10. 17. He accidentally ___ the door, realizing too late that he had left his keys inside. II
  1. 1. After the picnic, the tired friends had ___ down on the grass to rest. III
  2. 3. The sneaky raccoon silently ___a few cookies from the kitchen. II
  3. 4. The boxer ___ his opponent in the final round of the championship. II
  4. 5. I completely ___ to bring my homework to school yesterday. II
  5. 6. The negotiator had successfully ___ with the challenging situation. III
  6. 7. She was ___ by the comments but chose to rise above them. III
  7. 8. The witness ___ to tell the truth during the court proceedings. II
  8. 12. The balloon suddenly ___ when it touched a sharp object. II
  9. 13. The skilled archer had accurately ___ the arrow at the target. III
  10. 14. The chef realized he had ___ the toast when he smelled the smoke. III
  11. 16. Yesterday, I ___ down in the grass and watched the clouds go by. II
  12. 18. The cat quickly ___ when it heard the loud noise outside. II