- 3. past participle of go
- 4. past of show
- 7. past participle of drawn
- 8. past of steal
- 11. past and participle of meet
- 13. past participle of wake
- 15. past participle of know
- 16. past and participle of teach
- 19. past of draw
- 21. past of drive
- 23. past and participle of keep
- 24. past of see
- 25. past of fall
- 1. past of begin
- 2. past and participle of learn
- 4. past participle of sing
- 5. past participle of choose
- 6. past of run
- 9. past of give
- 10. past and participle of smell
- 12. past of take
- 14. past and participle of buy
- 17. past and participle of hear
- 18. past participle of fly
- 20. past participle of wear
- 22. past and past participle of pay