Irregular verbs

  1. 4. Past of 'tender/colocar algo horizontalmente'
  2. 5. Infinitive of 'cortar'
  3. 7. Past participle of 'hinchar'
  4. 9. Past participle of 'usar ropa/acesorio'
  5. 10. Past participle of 'hacer (terminar)'
  6. 12. Past participle of 'rajar/rasgar'
  7. 13. Past of 'batir/agitar'
  8. 14. Past participle of 'lancer/tirar/botar'
  9. 16. Past participle of 'beber'
  1. 1. Past of 'coser'
  2. 2. Past of 'hacer (preparar)'
  3. 3. Past participle of 'congelar'
  4. 6. Past of 'pensar'
  5. 7. Infinitive of 'enviar'
  6. 8. Infinitive of 'tenderse/recostarse'
  7. 11. Past participle of 'romper'
  8. 15. Past of 'herir/doler'