- 4. Past of 'tender/colocar algo horizontalmente'
- 5. Infinitive of 'cortar'
- 7. Past participle of 'hinchar'
- 9. Past participle of 'usar ropa/acesorio'
- 10. Past participle of 'hacer (terminar)'
- 12. Past participle of 'rajar/rasgar'
- 13. Past of 'batir/agitar'
- 14. Past participle of 'lancer/tirar/botar'
- 16. Past participle of 'beber'
- 1. Past of 'coser'
- 2. Past of 'hacer (preparar)'
- 3. Past participle of 'congelar'
- 6. Past of 'pensar'
- 7. Infinitive of 'enviar'
- 8. Infinitive of 'tenderse/recostarse'
- 11. Past participle of 'romper'
- 15. Past of 'herir/doler'